February has gone by fast, way too fast, and it might look like I'm really dead or lost interest in doing the blog altogether, or both. Well, the truth is that between my hand injury, other latest developments in my life and most of all, all the extra shifts I've worked just to make ends meet, I very simply haven't found the time to even sit down and play a game. My last extensive gaming session was with the portion of the
Mega Man marathon I did back in January. I've been playing
Dishonored and
The Walking Dead as of late; they were pretty much last year's cream of the crop, and when a game hits that certain soft spot of mine, I'm usually done with it in just a few days. I've been playing both games on a very irregular basis and in a very uneven tandem for over a month; I don't know if I've even made it to the halfway mark in
Dishonored yet, and I've finished just one episode of
The Walking Dead. There has simply been no time - but I've got news for you, good ones. After a few serious, official negotiations about how shifts and working hours should be organized in general where I work, it seems I'm going to have a balanced abundance of spare time on my hands quite soon.
Not now. Sorry. |
It's quite safe to say that
Mega Man has deserved a break from me, and I've most definitely deserved a break from
Mega Man; I'm heading into a zone within the franchise I'm not a fan of by its concept alone, and after that, all that's left is a string of curiosities that I believe to be quite devoid of positive surprises. After a whole month of skewering through a total of nine games in one of the most repetitive (yet loved) video game franchises in history, I think I've paid my dues for a while. I'll return to
Mega Man yet again when I'm ready for it and when I believe you're ready to read more about the (mis)adventures of the Blue Bomber. Last month's run was a good one; there were a couple of true surprises in there, especially
Mega Man: The Wily Wars, which I found perhaps the greatest
Mega Man title ever made, a game that looked and felt just as great as its concept. There were a couple of really bad apples in there as well, and that is part of the reason why I've decided to postpone reviews of the spin-offs that don't appeal to me in any artificial way; there's no sense in letting my boredom with the whole franchise and natural questioning of their whacked concepts do the dirty work. I'll let it all vent out and return to these games when I find myself ready to play them, and ready to open my mind a little.
Where to next, then? Well, there are a few more recent games on the plate.
Dishonored and
The Walking Dead I already hinted at.
God of War: Ascension is coming March 12th, and as always when I count myself as a follower, a review of this game is coming for sure, and as soon as possible. Even though it's a prequel to the whole series instead of a continuation of the epic story, I'm probably doing a similar article on the series as I did on
Assassin's Creed back in October. There's so much to tell about
God of War, and so much things to look forward to with this new game that was never expected to exist. However, remembering that this franchise has pretty much done it all already, I'm not capable of trusting this game, 100%, so I choose not to hype the game to high heaven just yet; those who expect me to make daily updates like I did with
Mass Effect 3 back in the day can sigh out of relief, I'm not doing that. Just the article and the review, and that's it. If the game turns out greater than expected, then maybe something else.
After spending 20 hours running around the Citadel like a moron, you get an end-all DLC that goes by the name of Citadel. Promising. |
Speaking of
Assassin's Creed, there's a DLC pack out which would deserve my fork in its rotten core... but since it's the first episode out of a series of three, I'm going to duke it out, get the two remaining ones whenever they come out, and if I still have something to say after all is said and done, I'll say it, in the form of a DLC Guide. Since I've not done DLC for any of the
Assassin's Creed games, I think I'll chuck them in as well, for good measure. That's still a while off, but what's not is
Citadel, the final DLC pack for
Mass Effect 3 (a game which was also mentioned, go figure). It's just a week from now, and I've waited for this moment, since I really wanted to review the two previous ones, but decided to wait until it was all over to compile a Guide, since I love doing those.
From Ashes and the
Extended Cut have already been reviewed; edited versions of those reviews will be included.
And, of course,
Mega Man is (luckily) far from being the only loose end in the wide variety of video game franchises I've taken on in the last three years. Taking care of those is still the main theme of the year and it will continue all the way until I decide otherwise, on the very forefront and in the background, depending on new purchases (which will unfortunately decrease for all platforms, in relation to my extra shifts...) and new releases. Right now, I have three pre-orders placed at GameStop, one of them being the new
God of War (
Special Edition, of course), and I've bought a couple of budget games in the last couple of months. Besides these, I really don't know how much my library will grow in size this year, and which part of it in particular. I'd rather not think about it before the recent hail of financial bombs ceases. I'll definitely get better by December, and in the wake of recent news from the world of hardware, it looks like I'll get myself a brand new console by the end of the year. Which one, that's saved until more of Microsoft's new brainchild is out.
Wow, now this is what I could almost call an update. I'm pretty much booked 'til Friday, I got a lot of personal shit to take care of now that I finally have a small breather, but I'm free the rest of the weekend, and to tell you some really good news, I've decided to quit drinking for a while to somewhat purify my system and enhance my physical wellbeing, since mentally, I haven't felt this good in years. Might as well go all the way... anyway, since I'm not out on the town and probably spending the weekend alone, I might as well play some damn games.